Information on how to use the Brix Model platform. Select parts from any construction set and place them onto the work space. Copy and edit parts to build your model.


Set select: Choose from any of the available construction sets.
Kit select: A subset of parts within the set.
Left click part: Select part for placement on work space.
Left click work-space: Place part on the work space. Hold Shift for multiple part placement.
Left click and drag: Adjust position of selected part(s). Use Shift for finer movement.
Keys:←/→, Shif+↑/↓, ↑/↓ Move selected item along X, Y or Z axis.
B + Keys:←/→, Shif+↑/↓, ↑/↓ Scale selected item along X, Y or Z axis. Use Caps-Lock for faster scaling.
Cmd/Ctrl+↑/↓, Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+↑/↓, Cmd/Ctrl+←/→ Rotate selected item around X, Y or Z axis. Use Caps-Lock for faster rotationI(Win only).
Hold X, Y, Z + Plus/Minus Tilt selected item around local X, Y or Z axis by 1 degree.
B + Keys:+/- Resize selected item up or down in 3D. Use Caps-Lock for faster resizing.
Snap to Grid Items snap to position with 0.05 precision. Use Shift for free style.


Mouse Hover: Target a part or group for editing.
Left Click: Select part or group for editing.
Shift + Left Click: Select/Unselect multiple parts for grouping or editing.
Esc: Unselect all parts or groups.
Del: Delete all selected parts & groups.
B + A: Select all parts.
B + C: Copy selected part(s) or group.
B + G: Groups all selected parts into a single group.
B + U: Ungroup selected group.
B + R: Return selected part to original size and rotation.
B + O: Set Orbit centre to another part.
B + L: Toggle Lock status of selected parts/groups to prevent accidental moves. Locked parts are not highlighted when targeted, but are still selectable.
Left double click, Right double click: Hold X, Y or Z to rotate part 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Ctrl + Z: Undo last move, rotation or deletion.


Left click mouse and drag work surface: Rotate viewing position up, down and around.
Right click mouse and drag work surface: Pan left, right, up, down.
Mouse wheel: Zoom in and out.
Keys: ← → ↑ ↓ Pan scene when nothing selected.
Keys: Shift + ← / → / ↑ / ↓ Rotate scene left/right, up/down.
Keys: + - Zoom in or out.
End PgDn Home PgUp: View Front, Right, Left, Rear.
Keys: 1,2,3,4,5 Scene View - Front, Right, Left, Rear, Top.
Shift + ← →: Rotate scene.
B + I / B + K: Increase or decrease brightness.


B + Shift + H: Set Home position and rotation for all parts.
B + H: Return all parts to their Home position & rotation.
B + M: Mix and rotate all parts in 3D.
B + J: Jumble all parts in 3D.
B + S: Shuffle all parts out across table in 2D.


Start a new model(Keys:B+N).
Rename the open model.
Save a copy with a new name.
Move open model to TRASH folder(Keys:Shift+Del).
Upload image or glb import file.
New Model Place selected items in library for future use.
Move models between folders: Drag model Icons.
Right click browser Icons: Perform various contextual functions.
B + E: Empty TRASH folder.
B + P: Toggle Protected status of model to prevent saves.

Right Click Selected Object Menu

(Tap & hold on Touch Screen)

Flip: Hold X, Y or Z to flip 180°.
Dynamics: Enter data to setup dynamic motion control. Use Play control to activate.
Handle: Enter offsets for handle control.
Face Color: Apply a color to the target face.
Face Image: Apply an image to the target face. Double click image in file browser. Hold SHIFT to crop image in order to preserve aspect ratio.

Sidebar Controls

Group selected parts.
Ungroup selected group.
Copy selection.
Hold X, Y(default) or Z to rotate selection.
Toggle Lock status of a part/group to prevent accidental moves.
Undo last move, rotation, scale or deletion.
Set SHIFT key.
X Delete selection.

Orientation: X axis:left/right, Y axis:up/down, Z axis:front/rear.

Adjustments: Rotate the viewing position to move parts in tight locations. Alternatively, set the position property in the 'Part Properties' area.

Groups: When a group is created, the first part selected will indicate the position of the group. The group assumes the properties of the first part added to the group. This means that the group location, position and animation is based on the first part in the group. Groups can also be grouped together to create sub-groups.

Controls: Set Control ID to assign controls to a part/group. Set Motion properties for required movements. Revolve: Specify RPM, Angle: Specify RPM and Travel degrees, Position: Specify Speed and Travel distance. Set Travel negative to reverse direction. To oscillate rotation or travel set RPM or Speed negative.
For Pads and Joysticks: use odd/even control ID number to reverse both axis, or use an odd/even RPM/Speed value to reverse a single control axis. Multiple controls can be assigned to a single part such as a Switch & Speed Control (SW1 SP1).
For joysticks: set rpm/speed negative for auto-return option. For multi-part control, Motion properties can also be assigned to a control: Shift + Click control.
To remove control: Select + Del

Images: Add images to selected part(s) or right click selected surface. Images can also be added to the Horizon or Surface.

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